Implicit bias—the unconscious attitudes and stereotypes that impact our actions and decisions—can be a controversial and confusing subject. However, as a 2019 Newsday Long Island real estate exposé revealed, implicit bias can have a significant impact on real estate professionals’ interactions with consumers. With this in mind, the New York Department of Licensing Services mandated this two-hour course to make licensees aware of what implicit bias is, explain how to recognize it in themselves, and understand the illegal and immoral impact it has on the public. This course explores the roots of implicit bias in government-sanctioned practices such as redlining and blockbusting, then shows licensees how to recognize their own implicit biases, as well as disparate impact and treatment.CAVINESS REALTY INSTITUTE
2-Hour Recognizing and Combating Implicit Bias
Date: THURSDAY february 20, 2025 -1:30 PM – 3:30 Pm
Any questions about the 2-Hour Recognizing and Combating Implicit Bias may be answered at